Dr. James (Jim) Bowman, Registered Psychologist (CHCPBC 1084)


I have provided assessment, consultation, supervision, teaching, and counselling services in clinic, mental health, and school settings for over 30 years. My M.A. and Ph.D. were completed at York University in developmental psychology. This involved internships in psychoeducational assessment, hospital-based children’s rehabilitation services, and following graduation training in counselling psychology. A diverse range of professional experience over many years has fostered a variety of perspectives important for the assessment of autism.


The primary focus of my practice over the past 15 years has been neurodevelopmental disorders. As part of a multidisciplinary team (CDBC) through the Northern Health Assessment Network, this involved evaluations for FASD and complex developmental conditions. Psychoeducational assessments have been provided privately but are not offered through Peace Autism Assessment Services. Assessments for Intellectual Developmental Disorder and autism are provided to Community Living British Columbia (CLBC) but are not offered through Peace Autism Assessment Services. I received Qualified Specialist status for the diagnosis of autism through the British Columbia Northern Autism Assessment Network (BCAAN) during my practice there.